About Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga

About Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga

About : Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga is an easy-to-do meditation and chanting based yoga. Siddha Yoga seeks to take practitioners to the pinnacle of evolution and ultimately bring about the Divine Transformation of all mankind. In this process the practitioner is freed from all kinds of physical diseases, mental afflictions, stress and any kind of addiction. Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga is always free of charge.


Gurudev Siyag’s ‘Siddha Yoga’ is a Yoga based on Meditation and chanting of a Mantra. Siddha Yoga has come from the ancestral masters of the ‘Nath Sect’. As it includes other types of Yoga like Bhaktiyoga, Karmyoag, Rajyoga, Kriyayoga, Gyanyoga, Layyoga, Bhavayoga, Hathyoga etc in it ,it is also called as Mahayoga. By the Awakening of Kundalini (feminine divine energy) as a result of ‘Shaktipat’ initiation (Diksha) as described in Siddha Yoga, the practitioner is relieved from all three types of diseases – Physical, Mental and Spiritual and also gets freed from the cycle of birth and death. Gurudev Shri Ramlalji Siyag is giving concrete form to this Siddha Yoga.

About Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga


The Mantra given by Guru Siyag is called #The_Sanjeevani_Mantra. Mantra works only and only in voice of Guru Siyag, The Saneevani Mantra Means Life giving Mantra. This Mantra always free of charge. Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga is always free of charge.

Disciples who are regularly meditating and chanting the divine mantra given by Gurudev Siyag are getting relief from all kinds of worldly problems and getting freedom from different kinds of physical and mental diseases as well as freedom from all kinds of addictions. Students are experiencing a phenomenal improvement in concentration and memory.

It is possible to develop the Physical Science from what stage it is now by practicing Siddha Yoga. If the scientists of the world want to resolve the innumerable problems and mysteries of this world or universe ,they can resolve them in the state of meditation or Samadhi. Man is the highest creation of God who has immense wisdom and knowledge of Science. By practicing the Siddha Yoga one can awaken the conscienceness within and use this knowledge for higher purposes.


A completely evolved form of man is God. How is it possible for mankind to realize this highest evolved state ? The simple and easy way to achieve this is by practicing Gurudev Siyag’s Siddha Yoga which requires the seeker to meditate and chant the divine mantra given by Gurudev. The self evident doesn’t need any proof. Try it by meditating for 15 minutes after hearing the Sanjeevani Mantra in the divine voice of Gurudev and looking at his picture for a minute or two.

Why are we able to meditate only by looking at Gurudev Siyag’s picture ? Please meditate to know this truth.

     Gurudev Siyag had attained “Sagun Sakaar” ( in Form ) and “Nirgun Niraakar” ( Formless) Siddhis in his lifetime which is why it is possible to meditate just by looking at his picture and also get relief from all kinds of worldly problems. According to Maharishi Shri Aurobindo if any person can attain both these above Siddhis in one life then that person can transform the mankind. This is the reason why one can meditate through Gurudev’s picture.

The objective of Gurudev is “I have set out alone to raise the Satogun” ( virtues ) and demolish the “tamogun” (vices ) in humanity. No single caste, religion or country has exclusive rights over me.”

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Online Initiation Shaktipaat Diksha

Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga
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Online Initiation
Gurudev Siyag Siddha Yoga
1.5 M Views Kundalini Awakening Shaktipat Diksha Online Initiation by Guru Siyag Sanjivani Mantra
1.5 M Views Kundalini Awakening Shaktipat Diksha Online Initiation by Guru Siyag Sanjivani Mantra